
Seton needle



Already the Alexandrian school used a cinnamon, with a leather probe to be ligured. Evender, hair line (latte.

The French name "Séton" comes from the Latin "SETA" for the pork offices. In fact, the first surgeons pork offs put in the wounds to facilitate the tire. Their successors used the longer horse hatches, the successor cotton threads - already 1370 voice guy de chauliac from the Céton as a "Mèche de Coton Passée à Travers la peau Pour endurance un-outreire" (la Grande surgery [trad. You Lat.] D'Apr. Sigurs, p. 74).


You said: Place a stylish or stick a hair rope. The hair rope was a rope hat-row made roded through the skin to await an artificial ulcer; In particular, it was applied to the eye disease and victimpse from the 16th to the 19th century. The patient has raised a piece of neck skin with a hair cable. But it also went without pliers: After the surgeon had turned the skin in herself, he formed a lease, one of which had a handle over a while, while he held the other with the left hand himself. To the technique After a race has stroke a channel with a bistyi between the two handling, the surgeon led a stileter with an oex (eye), in which a wieke (threads) was threaded, on the blade through the continuity solution and the threads (or the likes) in it back. Through the two skin cuttings, a hair rope needle was passed through the hair rope, a string hair bubble, canvas or the like. The hair rope remained under the skin for several days until it tapes. This extension should now contribute to the "derivation of bad juices" from the rest of the body. "The name is given to the same way to the same for the old pure the same horsehaire. The linen strips slightly slightly under a skin bridge, which must be at most a customs wide, but must be blended against two foot, is attached to a derived association. If the finger has occurred, the association is renewed once a day or more often and, in the every later renewal, the extinction of the linen strip, which was pulled out and made of this lined solid, but this, but reappeared and again, which is attached to the hair rope, one chooses different areas of the body. The most commonly manages to be in the neck, but also on the chest, in the liver and gastric area, on the abdomen, on the thighs and the gastric area, on the abdomen, on the thighs u ..S. It is found in a large number, natively, the likewise, disease conditions, it is in a large number, natively, dangerous, disease conditions, and is sometimes awarded, with a narrow, disease conditions, and is sometimes awarded from excellent healing effects. So it has recommended it in some brain denominations; We have excellently in stubborn eye and ears in influences, with effluents from the ears, lung seeds u ..sw. More commonly is his application in thier casting "(Brockhaus Pictures conversations Lexicon, 1st edition, Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1837 - 1841).




"Hair rope (setaceum), a formerly horror, manufactured now, castors od. Silk also linen cord, od. A ribbon made of canvas, od. A pinion frade pointed on the sides. You need to get an artificial ulcer. One suffers a sufficiently width needle (hair silence), in which the epiralized with the digesty-essent H. is introduced, in a for this purpose with the finger OD. A suitable tongue (hair rope pliers), the pond of the skin, then pulls the hair rope and leaves now in the wound, where soon a significant deduction forms, which is that the H. posts twice daily after the day. Ehdem was pleased with Lungen- u. Heart-dies, heavy literacy, especially as with brain- u. Optical events as the salvatate drainage means; Now it is pretty use, unally with thierte doctors. In addition, it also served a mastery by dinger to decrease od. To destroy, even to make channels to be able to do so. Then it is introduced by this with the hair rope needle. id. A stilet. In those interested, when a nodes (drain belt, drainage), which is unprecedented with ointment, so that the evil juices of a sick of the part, "from the purpose of a silent" wrapping "(Pierer's universal lexicon, altenburg, 4th edition 1857-1865). - Fabricius Hildanus (1560-1634) reported over two cases of epilepsy, where all other means had failed. He healled themselves by creating a hair rope in the neck. The French clinician Lazarus Riverius (1589-1655) reports in his" practice Medica "about healing epilepsy by hair rope and catering. - Very distributed was the application of the hair rope in rational tubular impressions. Expressively, it was also the same as the very sensitive physicians of the 16th, 17th and 18th century Generally considered very effective recommended and applied. There is still a similarly described in the 1866 August is still in the 1826 released novel of Wilhelm Hauff" The man in the moon ", where a lung disease is a brand of a cheese apart from the Warhelm Hauff" The man in the moon "where a lung disk is a brand of a cheese on the chest of a miserable. "If no hair-wire needle is handled, the skin folders can be treated with a lancet and the thread can be introduced with a probe (p.176). The French were so familiar with the use of hair seals, that they not only limited it to meat, but siesogar by the thorax, the abdomen and the knee joint" (Samuel Cooper, newest manual of surgery in alphabetical order, band 3, 1821 p546).



In the oehr a rope was threaded. Then the skin of the neck was cut in two places and the needle passed through the skin in the skin. The rope bound out of the needle in the wound remained in the wound over several days - it came to a (unwind) extension that distinguishes another (unwanted) extension (in eye, ear or brain) "except" - a common treatment in the 16th to 19th century! Exponat Trousse of the Farm Factory Mathieu, there a 14 cm long needle probe with a particularly great oeh. "The needle probe or Oehr probe has a long-term oex in their thicker end, which convey hair hair or thread by wounds or fisteles" (Julius Leo, Instrumentarium Surgical, Berlin 1824 p3). Manufacturer: Louis Mathieu (1817-1879)