
Cupping glass (02)



Extremely thin-walled suction cups of the French company EPY, awarded the silver prize in 1923 at the Concours Lépine. The hollow tip handle was also used to attach the wad of cotton wool "Introduce un tampon de coton dans le creux du bouton et laisser dépasser légèrement, présenter le coton à la flame and pose immédiatement, le coton étant tenu ne peut tomber ni brûler le malade", their burning produced the negative pressure in the bell.

Light as Christmas balls, the gossamer bells should not disturb the patient by their weight.


The "Concours Lépine" was founded in 1901 by the Paris police prefect Louis Lépine (1846-1933), who himself was an ingenious inventor - ia. He invented the roundabout, driver's license and speed limit for motorized vehicles. Initially, the winner received 100 francs as a reward for an invention in the field of toys and small items. The purpose of the competition was to pull the Parisian factory out of the financial swamp and to better withstand the competitive pressure from Germany ... Lépine was later a politician.


Flea market Luxembourg 9/2005.